We had a baby; a beautiful baby girl called Martha, and being a parent means I want to talk about it, and being a geek means I want to talk about it online.

2010-02-26 08:32:13   big sister

2010-02-25 07:58:18   bed head

2010-02-23 16:57:14   being enigmatic… or am I?

2009-08-17 15:37:01   daddy and the girls

2009-08-13 15:41:56   by the pog’s early light

Martha in the early light, after a truly awful night… looking quite happy with herself

2009-08-11 15:39:42   longboat

The ladies on a viking longboat; note, Martha out back.

2009-08-09 15:37:47   princess

Martha, happy with her skooter and princess costume

2009-08-09 15:34:53   fishwife

2009-08-08 15:38:57   rapa nui

The girls on stone heads

2009-07-25 15:42:15   sister love

Zoe looking up to Martha

2009-06-15 15:32:43   exploring

In the rockies

2009-05-04 15:25:14   familoogle

All of us at once

2009-02-02 08:06:55   frosty the snowman

2009-01-01 08:08:03   knickerhead

2008-12-25 08:08:49   waiting for santa

2008-11-24 08:09:47   ball play

2008-11-09 08:11:41   hall of mirrors

2008-10-31 08:10:47   hallowe’en

2008-09-24 08:12:34   propping up the bar

2008-09-13 06:58:43   flower girl

2008-09-12 06:58:10   fringe

2008-09-09 06:57:30   family

2008-09-03 06:53:09   idol

2008-08-25 06:52:57   sisters

2008-08-13 11:47:20   mudlark

2008-08-10 11:50:32   swing easy

2008-08-03 11:46:14   smiley

2008-08-03 11:42:28   jockey back

2008-08-03 07:06:49   birthday girl

2008-07-20 11:51:36   high flyin’ baby

2008-06-16 11:54:40   sisters

2008-06-10 11:53:20   rock star!

2008-05-30 07:39:54   sisters

2008-05-01 07:37:02   what you readin’ for?

2008-04-30 07:36:13   chocolate

She’s also quite a fan of chocolate.

2008-04-30 07:36:09   raisins!

Martha, really likes raisins. This is, I think, about as perfect a representation of my daughter that I can think of.

2008-04-29 07:33:44   how to win friends and influence people

2008-04-29 07:32:15   rope-eater

Pog, left so hungry between cakes, is reduced to eating rope.

2008-04-24 07:29:07   pointy pog

2008-04-22 20:06:40   pog likes food

2008-04-10 06:47:58   let’s twist again

2008-04-06 06:46:02   mad hatter

2008-03-29 06:47:59   Sherpa Tensing

This is Pog climbing up some stairs, on her own, without holding anything… all on her own!

Well, I’m impressed.

2008-03-22 20:40:24   on the fence

In the zoo

2008-03-22 06:44:33   pog likes chocolate

2008-03-21 20:42:01   glossolalia

2008-03-21 20:38:57   daredevil

2008-03-17 20:40:26   giddy as a lamb

2008-03-17 20:40:26   giddy as a lamb

2008-03-14 20:38:02   flying nun

2008-03-13 20:42:57   tummy time

2008-03-13 20:42:57   tummy time

2008-03-13 06:49:42   Cain and Abel

A rare moment of not hating each other.

2008-03-11 20:37:12   cousin Louis

2008-03-10 06:51:55   choices… choices…

2008-03-10 06:51:04   venus in tears

2008-03-09 20:43:37   yippeee

2008-03-07 20:41:08   smiley

2008-02-21 08:56:14   licking her hungry chops

2008-02-21 08:55:30   it’s never too early to delegate

2008-02-21 08:54:51   three little girls

2008-01-09 16:31:40   first jaunt (one pram each)

Going outside for the first time with Zoe and Pog

2008-01-09 15:56:39   a slightly one-sided game of chasing

I think Zoe may be it for a while.

2008-01-08 15:23:19   gang bang

Martha wants to be in on the feeding.

2008-01-07 12:18:58   still not sure

not sure I like the look of this, either

2008-01-07 12:16:01   unsure

Not too sure if I like the look of this

2008-01-05 17:36:59   preamble

Not really a picture of Zoe, I guess, but this picture was taken at half-past five on Zoe’s birthday, so Aibhín is in labour in this photo.
In labour, and in a coffee shop having hot chocolate and a muffin with Pog.

2007-11-07 20:37:04   I spy with my little eye

2007-11-07 20:36:22   over the shoulder

2007-11-07 20:30:05   bugsye

Martha’s first exposure to bugs in the wild. Well, the first time she found a bug that she hasn’t tried to eat.

2007-11-07 20:27:58   stranger danger

Teaching Pog to keep an eye out for strangers.

2007-11-07 20:26:56   age before beauty

2007-11-07 20:26:20   pog in the park

2007-10-31 20:54:16   Boo!

Martha’s first Hallowe’en. We’re really proud of this, because Aibhín made this dress herself!

2007-08-02 21:13:26   birthday cake

2007-08-02 21:12:39   zooming about

2007-08-02 21:11:45   looking doe-eyed

2007-08-02 21:10:33   … not my friend any more ‘though

Get off my toy!

2007-08-02 21:09:11   still friends

2007-08-02 21:06:45   first girl toy

Before this, all of Martha’s toys have been fairly abstract: this is her first girl’s toy.

It’s a pram and dolly!

2007-08-02 20:56:30   birthday girl!

2007-05-01 22:24:21   fountain

2007-05-01 22:23:47   looking out

… at something.

2007-05-01 22:23:03   looking up

… at something.

2007-05-01 22:22:29   looking down

… at something.

2007-05-01 22:21:55   civilised living

It’s mid-April and we’re having our breakfast outside in our t-shirts in a town square full of orange trees.
It doesn’t get more civilised than this.

2007-05-01 22:19:58   mother knows best

2007-05-01 22:19:33   action/reaction

Newton’s third law.

2007-05-01 22:18:31   wrapped up and dry

Doesn’t like being wrapped up.

2007-05-01 22:17:43   bouncing in the pool

2007-05-01 22:17:14   in camera

2007-05-01 22:16:01   three sheets to the wind

Looking a bit drunk after her first pint.

2007-05-01 22:15:00   martha’s first pint

2007-05-01 22:12:42   making friends

2007-05-01 22:11:54   housework

A big fan of brushing the floor. Let’s hope we can keep her this excited when she has to do it herself.

2007-05-01 22:09:17   abandoned

Poor Pog didn’t like that.

2007-05-01 22:07:21   disdain

Get this wet thing away from me.

2007-05-01 22:04:57   smiley!

For reasons best known to herself, Martha loves looking at people following whoever’s carrying her.

Loves it a lot.

2007-04-09 19:54:34   standing on her own

2007-04-09 19:54:05   gravity

2007-04-09 19:53:44   onward and upward!

2007-04-09 19:53:25   slide

2007-04-09 19:53:02   crawling past

2007-04-09 19:52:40   crawling towards me

2007-04-09 19:52:02   toppling the stacking toys

2007-04-09 19:51:10   feet? how am I supposed to use my feet?

2007-04-09 19:50:31   finger pointing

2007-04-09 19:49:57   they pull my hair, they stole my comb

2007-04-09 19:49:25   kissy

2007-04-09 19:48:59   standing on daddy

2007-04-09 19:48:31   looking askance

2007-04-08 19:38:26   three on the floor

2007-04-08 19:37:58   two on the floor

2007-04-08 19:19:38   I can’t stand the rain

Martha’s first time seeing some really nasty hailstones.

2007-02-25 22:44:39   don’t bogart that joint, my friend

2007-02-25 22:43:13   a finger of fudge is just enough…

… until it’s time to eat.

2007-02-25 22:42:19   violently happy

2007-02-25 22:41:37   being coy

2007-02-25 22:41:01   grinning

… she’s up to something.

2007-02-25 22:39:04   tiramisu

2007-02-25 22:35:56   where have all my toys gone?

2007-02-25 22:34:30   playing with toys

We’ve had some trouble convincing Martha to sit up: she wants to either stand or lie on her belly…her massive, massive belly.
Here’s one of her looking for something to play with.

2007-02-18 23:30:57   the three of us in front of the tigers

… along with some wierd ginger boy.

2007-02-18 23:29:53   grrrrrrrr

2007-02-18 23:29:22   monkeyface

2007-02-18 23:28:54   enjoying the animals

2007-02-18 23:28:23   animal watching

Aibhín and Martha watching the hippos… with intent.

2007-02-18 23:27:04   martha scratching her head…

… at the same time as a rhino.

2007-02-18 23:26:19   oh my!

This hairy monster roared at us!

2007-02-18 23:25:12   where can you see lions?

only in Kenya!

2007-02-18 23:20:23   preparation for the hunt

We went to the zoo for the first time. This is Martha getting a little shut-eye before we had a go at these animals.

2006-12-26 17:18:30   sharing

2006-12-26 17:18:06   excitement

2006-12-26 17:17:39   curiosity

2006-12-26 17:16:57   a family christmas

The three of us in our christmas gear.

2006-12-19 20:21:55   a midwich cuckoo

A brick wall… a brick wall… I must think of a brick wall…

2006-12-19 20:18:07   push come to shove

Getting ready for school

2006-12-19 20:17:16   rocky balboa

2006-12-19 20:16:44   apollo creed

2006-12-19 20:16:17   the producers

2006-12-19 20:15:38   a new toy

… not just for christmas.

2006-12-19 20:13:44   three ladies

Martha and two new friends.

2006-12-19 20:12:13   bed head

Martha in the morning.

2006-11-06 21:43:42   That’s another one for the fire.

… brains… brains… brains…

I had this a t-shirt made up from Aibhín that reads “I am the earth mother, and you are all flops.”
It’s from “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf.” Aibhín suggested that maybe if it were in quotes it would be less offensive, so I put my foot down and made sure that it would be as […]

2006-10-19 18:56:43   Little Miss Cranky

Monkey see, monkey do.

2006-10-19 18:51:18   Brothers in arms

Brothers and cousins in matching outfits

2006-08-30 10:06:11   Cousins

2006-08-30 09:54:49   clowntime is over

2006-08-30 09:53:31   admunsen

2006-08-30 09:52:29   snuggle up warm

2006-08-30 09:51:50   it’s happening outside

Martha’s first afternoon lounging outside in the sun; needed to keep her out of the sun ‘though.

2006-08-30 09:51:09   feet

2006-08-30 09:50:44   hug

2006-08-30 09:50:27   take good care of my baby

I’m keeping this screaming picture for Martha’s eighteenth birthday party.
Vengeance is mine.

2006-08-30 09:49:50   making her tall like her parents

2006-08-13 07:21:39   thumbnail

2006-08-13 07:21:08   noseboob

We are feeding her enough; Martha’s just chawing down on everything these days. Here she is trying to eat my nose.

2006-08-13 07:20:33   thumbsucker

2006-08-13 07:19:17   asleep

2006-08-13 07:17:40   bonding

2006-08-08 12:27:09   keeping martha happy

2006-08-08 12:26:38   perambulator

2006-08-08 12:25:56   lady madonna

2006-08-06 07:17:32   first night’s crank

2006-08-06 07:16:53   first bath

2006-08-06 07:15:54   grand dad don

2006-08-06 07:15:14   as pleased as punch

2006-08-06 07:14:32   grand dad tom

2006-08-06 07:13:46   as good looking as punch

2006-08-06 07:12:51   grandma’s hands

2006-08-06 07:11:43   mother and child reunion

2006-08-06 07:10:57   happy parents

Doing well, but so very, very tired.

2006-08-03 11:53:09   martha

Here she is, my beautiful daughter, my Martha. She was born on at 11:53 on the 3rd of August 2006, after thirteen hours of labour, and two and a half hours of the pushing part, to the tune of (I shit you not) Sam and Dave’s soul classic: “hold on, I’m coming!”
For people who care […]